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expected loss中文是什么意思

用"expected loss"造句"expected loss"怎么读"expected loss" in a sentence


  • 期望损失
  • 预期损耗
  • 预期损失


  • He asked for a margin of at least thirty percent over the german fleet on account of expected losses in the passage .
  • It now expects losses on these tranches to be “ immense ”
  • Then , we set up the concept of the ideal expected profit value , proved the ideal expected profit value is a constant in any risk decision problem , and set up the relationship between expected profit and expected loss value on the basis of above the concept and conclusion
  • ( 2 ) in bidding stage qualitative and quantitative analysis shall be applied for risk analysis , including methods of expert scoring , decision tree , expected loss , hierarchy analysis , and fuzzy evaluation . which are applicable for analysis and evaluation of various risks during bidding period of the project
    ( 2 )投标阶段中风险分析采用定性与定量相结合的思路方法,运用了专家打分法、决策树方法、期望损失法、层次分析法、模糊评价法。对项目的投标过程各风险因素的分析和评价都具有一定的应用价值。
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